Addiction Intervention Services

About Intervention

1. in·ter·ven·tion /ˌintərˈvenSHən/
1. The action or process of intervening.
2. Interference by a country in another’s affairs.
interference – interposition – mediation – intercession

s it applies to drug addiction or alcoholism, intervention is the process of disrupting addictive behavior and providing treatment for the effected individual. In the life of every addict or alcoholic there will be an intervention at some point.  There will be something that happens to make them reconsider their behaviors and hopefully seek help before its too late. It may be an arrest, a divorce, a car accident, a medical diagnosis or worse.  In the field of addiction treatment we see all of the above on a regular basis which is a shame because addiction is a treatable illness and families have the power to intervene.

An Interventionist is someone who is trained in the art of helping families intervene on an addict or alcoholic who does not appreciate their own need for help.  Most families cannot do this without professional support because they are not trained and they are too emotionally involved. There are many tricks, techniques and things to consider that most would never think of on their own. The Interventionist spends a lot of time educating and preparing the family so that they understand how the process works and are prepared to follow through with recommendations.

At most treatment facilities, they assist those who are willing to enter treatment voluntarily but we specialize in intervening on those who are not.

Many people who live with addiction in their family believe that the addict must “hit rock bottom” before they can accept help. There is some truth to that; the consequences must first outweigh the benefits before change can take place. That’s why the roll of an Interventionist is to help families raise the bottom and introduce new consequences should the identified patient refuse the help being offered.

One of those consequences may be the Baker Act or Marchman Act but most professional interventions do not require legal assistance.

However the danger if simply waiting for an addict to  “hit bottom” is that bottom may be prison, permanent disability or even death. Intervention isn’t just about getting a resistant patient into treatment but rather preparing the patient and the family for a lifelong decision to recover.

In order to do this, families must hit their own bottom. The consequences of inaction must outweigh the benefits. If that’s you and you are considering taking action, please take a moment and ask yourself the following questions:

  • Does your loved one abuse drugs or alcohol?
  • Does the person become angry, dismissive or defensive when confronted about the addiction problem?
  • Do you live with fear and anxiety about your loved ones addiction?
  • Do things continue to get worse despite your best efforts to help?
  • Do you feel that if something doesn’t change they could die or end up in prison?
  • Do you feel guilty because you think there is something more you can do for this person?
  • Are you willing to admit that your best efforts to control the situation haven’t worked and that you may need some help with this?

If you have answered yes to one or more of the above questions we encourage you to take the first step – call now for a confidential discussion 833-497-3808.


We are not attorneys nor are we affiliated with the state of Florida. If you would like a referral to an attorney or would like to discuss alternative intervention strategies call now at 833-497-3808

Need help with a family member or friend? We can help!