They say that admitting that you have a problem with drugs or alcohol is the first step towards recovery. Yet, this one step isn’t as simple as some may think. Denial is a powerful force that takes time and serious mental effort to overcome, and there are many different reasons why you might deny that you are dealing with an addiction. For many people, addiction carries a stigma, yet you should know that it can strike anyone. Teachers, preachers and even doctors are all vulnerable to misusing drugs or alcohol. When you are wondering how do I admit I have a problem, the real question might be how do you let yourself know that it is okay to ask for help. Doing some soul-searching can help you find the answer to both of these questions.
You’ll first want to think about why you may worry about what could happen if you talk about having an addiction. Is it possible that others have expressed negative thoughts about people who can’t control their use of drugs or alcohol? Or, have you always been proud of your ability to take charge in any situation? It is okay if you feel like you aren’t the type to have an addiction or worry that you could let someone down. These feelings are completely normal. The real problem occurs if you let your concerns prevent you from seeking help. Getting to the point of admitting that you need help is easier when you follow these steps.
Start by Noticing the Signs of Denial
Honesty often flies out the window once someone begins to use drugs or alcohol excessively. This is because being under the influence of certain substances makes it harder to think about what is really happening. You might also hide your drug or alcohol use to avoid having a confrontation with a concerned loved one. Watching out for these signs of denial can shine a bright light on how your behavior could be reflecting that you have an addiction.
- Blaming your substance use on other people or your problems
- Concealing evidence of your substance misuse
- Defending your decision to drink alcohol or use drugs again
- Comparing your drug or alcohol use to other people
- Falsely promising to stop using substances
Once you start taking a sharp look at your behaviors, you might start to notice a few tell-tale patterns. For instance, blaming your problem on other people is a form of denying that you take responsibility for your actions. Hiding bottles or other signs of your substance misuse makes it clear that you know deep down inside that you are engaging in behaviors that other people in your life will find unacceptable. Sometimes, it is easier to look at specific behaviors and conversations to start uncovering the truth about addiction.
Take an Inventory of Your Life
If you had a problem with addiction, then you’d likely be spiraling out of control, right? While this myth tends to exist among many people, the truth is that you might be able to spot a few less obvious clues that you are dealing with an addiction. For instance, you might have recently been skipped over for a promotion due to the chronic lateness you’ve experienced at work due to staying up too late drinking or dealing with hangovers in the morning. Or, your partner might have just threatened to leave you due to your erratic behavior.
Sometimes, the smaller signs that you need to seek help are clues that you can change things before it is too late. Sit down for a few minutes and think about your goals and where you are at today. If you notice that you aren’t progressing as you’d hoped, then this could help you decide to admit that you need help dealing with your addiction.
Create an Action Plan
The fact that you have trouble admitting that you need help is a good sign. As hard as it may be to believe, people who struggle the most with denial are often the ones who make the fastest progress in treatment. This is because you likely have an independent mindset that drives you to want to achieve your goals. Now, all you have to do is start setting those goals and pulling people into your support network to help you make them happen. Starting by telling one or two people that you have a problem with alcohol or drugs can help you break the ice. Soon, you’ll find it easier to open up to others, and your experience could just be what someone else needs to admit that they have a problem.
Are you ready to tell your first person that you need help with drugs or alcohol? Our compassionate team make it easy to admit that you need help. Give us a call today at 833-497-3808 to start finding a suitable solution for handling addiction.