How Long Should It Take to Go Through the Twelve Steps?

The 12-step program is a holistic rehabilitation program designed by Alcoholic Anonymous to help alcoholics overcome alcohol addiction. The program was co-founded by Bill Wilson, a recovering alcoholic when he almost took an alcoholic drink. At this point, he thought of reaching out to a fellow alcoholic and having a candid conversation so they could be accountability partners. It is through this discovery that the sponsor plan was developed.

How long should the 12-step program take?

Many people looking for answers to this question have asked, “How long should it take to go through the 12-step program?” The answer depends on many factors, and the individual cannot answer this question because it is very subjective. The following are some factors that determine how long it will take to go through the 12 steps:

Level of Abstinence

A factor that influences how long one will need to go through recovery is the level of abstinence. Suppose an individual gives up drinking during recovery. In that case, usually, they can stay clean for a more extended period than those who do not give up alcohol during recovery. Most people who do not give up alcohol during recovery experience cravings and urges, eventually leading them back into drinking. This will be seen as a failure in their sobriety journey. For such individuals, longer periods in the 12-step program is advised.

Access to Support

Another reason individuals may relapse after reaching higher levels of abstinence is that they do not have access to the same level of support they had when they first started recovering. For example, if an individual does not have a sponsor or someone they can confide in and talk to about their feelings, it will be harder for them to stay clean and sober. Therefore, it is crucial for those recovering from alcoholism to find a sponsor with whom they can confide and talk about their feelings.

Lack of Commitment

Some people may be able to stay sober for some time and then relapse. This is because they may not be committed enough to their recovery plan. It is vital for those recovering from alcoholism to feel that they can stick with their plan because without this commitment, it will be easy for them to lapse into drinking again. Individuals identified as not having the commitment needed should stay in the program longer.

Low Self-Esteem

Many individuals who are alcoholics tend to feel ashamed of the fact that they have a problem with alcohol, and this can lead them to avoid people who are trying to help them get sober. Recovering alcoholics should take the help they need to improve their self-esteem, so they do not feel ashamed about their problems with alcohol. Many are faced with their alcohol addiction and are unsure if they should follow the 12 steps or not. It is important to note that it is better to know what one gains from following the 12 steps than what one can lose by not following the program. Some do not fully understand why they should follow the program, which is where understanding the benefits of recovery through being a member of AA, can help.

For an individual to fully understand the benefits of AA, they must have a thorough knowledge and understanding of the above 12-step program. The primary benefit of joining AA lies in knowing that someone will always be willing to listen and offer help when needed. This allows an individual to have a complete sense of support during times when they need support. An individual needs to understand that following the 12 steps does not mean that there should be no other activities aside from AA meetings.

Another benefit of following the 12 steps is that the program will help you understand how your life has been affected by your alcohol addiction and how you can change it by learning new coping skills. This would give you a sense of purpose. Also, it will help you learn how to live with less stress and cope with stressful situations without alcohol. Recovering alcoholics need to know that they should always try to maintain their lives outside of the meetings to stay sober. This would allow them a chance to do still what they love doing and, at the same time, maintain a sober lifestyle which would enable them to have not only fun but also gain a sense of achievement. Call us at 833-497-3808.