When people are addicted to opiates, such as narcotics and illegal drugs, they can do anything to try and compensate for the cravings. They might get a friend who wants them to sell drugs so they can buy more, or steal from family members just for one more hit. It’s clear that the withdrawal symptoms from the addiction are not worth it in the end, and even though regular doses can make them feel better in the moment, they could feel just as bad without the opiate. This blog post discusses some of the reasons people relapse, how it happens and what can be done to prevent it.
Withdrawal is a very real thing when it comes to opiates. When people use them, they can feel better in the moment, but that feeling only lasts for a short time. It is not worth risking feeling sick or even living forever like a zombie. Once they are addicted to morphine or heroin, they have just one way to get their fix: shooting up or snorting it. Additionally, if someone tries to stop using them by getting off completely, there is a good chance that they would have terrible withdrawal symptoms.
Usually, this does not last long, but that depends on the severity of the addiction. If someone’s addiction is in full swing, it is likely that even after a month or two of complete abstention they will still be feeling sick and weak. Unfortunately, people keep on abusing these drugs, whether it be from addiction or from curiosity. It is at that point in time when they’re faced with withdrawal. For people who are addicted, it doesn’t matter what the situation is; when they want their next high, it becomes an obsession that takes over their lives.
Boredom and Isolation
When people become addicted to opiates, they can feel alone. Not only is it emotionally taxing to go through withdrawal on their own, but they also feel like they are going through the same thing every day. It is not long before things start to get boring. People start to only look forward to that exact moment when they can finally get the next fix. Because of this boredom, it becomes easier for them to become isolated and start abusing drugs on their own.
If people are isolated, they don’t have anyone to turn to when they are in withdrawal. Thus, this feeling of isolation makes people look for ways to get away from their problems so that they can bear with them. This is also why some get involved in activities they wouldn’t normally do because they don’t know where else to go.
Uncomfortable Emotions
It is common for people addicted to opiates to have a lot of uncomfortable emotions. They don’t feel right, and that is why they need their next dose. At the same time, they feel guilty and ashamed about the problems they are causing other people by abusing drugs. Even if it is better for them to be alone, it is also better for everyone around them to get away from them as well because, in reality, it’s getting worse and not better.
When people reach a certain point, it is not just that they don’t feel right physically or emotionally; they also feel like they do not want to be alive anymore. If this is ever the case, it means that they are on the brink of suicide. That is why if they are going through withdrawal and depression at the same time, then it is crucial for them to start therapy as soon as possible so that they can get to the root of their problems and deal with them instead of trying to escape from them.
Call to Action If one or more of these signs are found in a person, getting them help as soon as possible is vital. If they are not in the right state of mind, they will have no idea what they are doing, and this could cause a lot of damage to themselves or others. They can even die from an overdose. So if you or someone close to you suspect that they might be abusing drugs or are addicted, call us at 833-497-3808.