Marchman Act

What Do Different Addictions Rehab Processes Have in Common?

Rehab processes can look quite different from one addiction program to the next. There is no single addiction treatment model that’s guaranteed to work well for everyone. In fact, successful addiction treatment often requires a targeted, multi-pronged approach. Thus, many of the best rehab facilities offer a vast range of services, therapies, and other support

What Do Different Addictions Rehab Processes Have in Common? Read More »

Are There Christian Rehab Options That Are Friendly Toward LGBT Patients?

Substance abuse plagues millions of people. Those who suffer from an addiction can feel like they are misunderstood. This can produce feelings of helpless loneliness. These feelings can be even more profound if you recognize as a type of social minority. A new path towards a better life begins with recovery. Treatment is often the

Are There Christian Rehab Options That Are Friendly Toward LGBT Patients? Read More »

What Are 5 Ways to Support a Loved One Going to Drug Rehab in Florida?

Choosing to receive treatment for drug or alcohol addiction is the best thing that anyone with substance use disorder can do for themselves. Not surprisingly, it’s also the best thing that they can do for their families. For many people living with addiction, the most effective programs last between one and three months. Not only

What Are 5 Ways to Support a Loved One Going to Drug Rehab in Florida? Read More »

Is Unconventional Treatment a Big Part of Drug Rehabs in Florida?

For decades, the addiction treatment community in America relied heavily on a cookie-cutter approach to treatment. Every client received the same kind of detox and therapy regardless of their circumstances. What everyone began to realize was something wasn’t working. The best indication that something was amiss came from the fact that relapse rates remained in

Is Unconventional Treatment a Big Part of Drug Rehabs in Florida? Read More »

What Is The Marchman Act Useful If Your Loved One Has An Addiction?

Addiction often proves difficult for several parties. A significant degree of focus centers on the addict. This individual’s dependency often progresses to the point where obtaining and using a specific drug completely engulfs every aspect of their life. However, the dependent’s family is often overlooked. In many cases, said subjects make numerous desperate attempts to

What Is The Marchman Act Useful If Your Loved One Has An Addiction? Read More »