Addiction is a chronic problem that can take many forms. The challenge of addiction is mental, physical, and emotional, with the ultimate goal of achieving long-term sobriety. One of the things that may help an individual achieve and maintain long-term sobriety is changing one’s thoughts about their addiction and what they need to do to live a sober life. Changing one’s thoughts is often step one in recovery, but it can be quite powerful in helping an individual get through the process.
Here are some tips to help you decide:
Anticipate Changes
You may have become used to a certain way of thinking in your routine. For example, being in a routine may make you feel safe and secure but also cause you to experience shame, guilt, and depression. As you seek sobriety and make the changes necessary for a sober lifestyle, you will find that some of these emotions are normal and appropriate during recovery.
Change Your Thoughts
One of the ways to overcome thoughts is to change them. Changing your thoughts can help your recovery by replacing negative thoughts with positive ones. For example, if you think you do not deserve to be sober and are better off drinking, then encourage yourself to think of yourself as strong and brave.
Have a Plan
A plan can help you stay on track by providing structure to your life. A good start is with a list of the things that have been important to you and how you create value for yourself. This will help prevent your recovery from becoming too identity-focused and instead point it toward what is important for living a full life.
Live in the Present
Many people who start on the path of recovery become consumed with the future. This can be a problem because their main focus becomes what they think their life will look like once they achieve sobriety. In many cases, this approach to recovery results in the individual grasping at straws and making decisions that are not consistent with their needs and values. What is important to remember during your recovery is that you need to live in the present moment and avoid focusing your attention on what may happen tomorrow or next week.
Involve Other People
To stay on the path of recovery, you will want to involve others. For example, if you are struggling with an addiction and need help, seek out a professional for assistance. If you find that you have lost your job because of your addiction and want to find another one quickly, consider involving a good friend in your search for employment and offering them support while finding work.
If you have an addiction and have been trying to reach out for help but are having a difficult time finding what is best for you, then consider reaching out to a friend or family member who may be able to provide you with some advice on what type of treatment may work for your particular situation.
Find Healthy Distractions
If you start to feel overwhelmed or depressed, it is important to find healthy distractions. Healthy distractions can help you avoid situations that do not support your sobriety. Often, a healthy distraction will involve finding a new activity or joining a group that supports your recovery efforts. By keeping yourself busy and participating in activities that you enjoy, you may avoid falling back into the trap of addiction.
Addiction recovery is an ongoing process, and as such, it should be expected that certain things will happen along the way. The trick is finding balance and knowing what to expect as your recovery continues forward. Another way to find balance is to consider the importance of things that make you feel good about yourself. For example, spending time with your family and friends can help you balance some recovery challenges.
Having a plan and finding healthy distractions can help you avoid many pitfalls that may take you off track. The key to addiction recovery is staying focused on what is important and staying consistent. By ensuring that you are friends with yourself, maintaining focus, and using healthy distractions, you can help yourself overcome mental, emotional, and physical obstacles that may cause you to drop out of recovery. Call us at 833-497-3808.