If you’ve ever considered joining AA, you might wonder who is at AA rehab meetings. A few people are at AA rehab meetings – AA sponsors, AA members, and prospective members. We’ll explain why people join AA, and a little bit more about each of the different types of people at AA rehab meetings. People join AA when they realize they’re addicted to alcohol. AA’s goal is to promote sobriety by conveying hope to others who struggle with alcohol addiction and misuse or binge drinking. All AA members are anonymous. Anonymity helps remove the stigma associated with alcohol addiction and creates a more welcoming environment for members to receive alcohol treatment.
Who is at AA Meetings?
There are a few different people at AA meetings: – AA members, – prospective members, – AA sponsors. AA members have committed to working the twelve steps. They don’t have to pay fees or do anything to officially become members, they just start working the steps and attending AA meetings regularly. Prospective members are people who are considering joining AA but aren’t sure about it yet.
They might attend a few meetings just to see what AA is all about before they commit to it. AA sponsors are people who have been very successful in AA. They commit to helping new AA members work the program and provide support when the sponsee needs it. Sponsorship provides continuous, individual support for both the sponsor and the sponsee. This person is the new member’s connection to the program. They can provide support by phone for any questions you have about relapse.
AA Sponsors
The idea of sponsorship came to the founder of AA, Bill W when he had a powerful urge to drink. He knew he needed another alcoholic to talk to. That was when he found Dr. Bob, and they established AA. AA sponsors and their sponsees are equals – even though the sponsor has made progress in the program, he isn’t any better or worse than his sponsee.
The sponsee should feel comfortable with their sponsor so they can ask them questions in between meetings. Choosing a sponsor is an informal process. A lot of times, a new person will approach someone else who seems likable and ask if they would mind being their sponsor. Most experienced AA members are happy to receive this request.
An old AA saying suggests members should “stick with the winners” when picking a sponsor – choose a sponsor who has successfully stayed sober through AA. AA members may feel comfortable with sponsors who are a lot like them, but others may feel more comfortable with sponsors who are different from them. The best way to choose a sponsor is to go to a meeting and get to know people, then choose the one you feel comfortable around and who’s been successful in staying sober.
AA Members and Prospective Members
AA Members have decided to stop drinking and follow the 12 steps. There are no monetary or social obligations when joining AA. According to a study from the National Library of Medicine, AA only has about 50% success, but the success rate is lower for those who only received drug rehab therapy without going to AA or a 12-step program afterward. AA prospective members can attend AA open and closed meetings to decide if they want to become a member of AA.
Open meetings are open to both AA members and non-members. It’s a great way for the loved one of an AA member to learn more about the recovery process. Speaker meetings and discussion meetings are often open. Closed meetings are only for members and prospective members of AA. These are usually discussion meetings or step studies. They help members feel safe during recovery.
They’re best for people who want to hear other members’ experiences without their family and friends or to focus on one step at a time. Now that you understand more about the people who attend AA rehab meetings, you can start looking into drug and alcohol treatment centers. When looking at drug and alcohol treatment centers, find out whether they include AA rehab meetings in their recovery program, because this can increase the patient’s chances of success in recovery. Call us at 833-497-3808.