Relapses are a common part of recovery, and understanding the relapse process is vital to strengthening your recovery. Rehab and addiction treatment centers can greatly help provide the skills, education, and support needed to stay sober.
However, despite the best interventions, some people do relapse after treatment. Many recovering addicts and alcoholics do not understand a relapse or how it happens. You may also have trouble defining or recognizing a relapse’s symptoms. For example, many people assume that they haven’t relapsed if they drink one beer or take one pill. That is untrue. Relapse does not mean that you start drinking again. It means you stop working on your recovery program and start drinking again, no matter how much or how little. These are some of the reasons why relapses are common.
Poor Aftercare
Aftercare is the care given to you by counselors and therapists during and sometimes even after treatment. It is provided for at least one year after leaving treatment. It can include ongoing counseling or therapy, working with a sponsor, attending meetings, and other support given by the rehabilitation center. Most people who relapse can name poor aftercare as one of the reasons why they relapsed. It can mean not getting enough support from counselors, therapists, or staff at the rehab. It can also mean that the aftercare did not take into account your individual needs and problems. Whatever the reason, poor aftercare increases your chances of relapsing.
Unrealistic Goals
People who have done well in treatment programs often leave with unrealistic ideas about what they can do once they are out of treatment or living away from the rehab. It can lead to failure and relapse. For example, they may think they do not need to attend meetings or work with a sponsor after leaving the program. They may also fail to consider that their environment has changed, which could affect their recovery. Unrealistic expectations can also mean believing you no longer need the help of a counselor or therapist when you have some problems in life-related to your addiction.
Peer Pressure
Being around other people who use drugs can lead to drinking or using drugs again. The pressure to use can be intense. It may come from friends, family members, or even strangers. Even if you aren’t pressured to do something you know is wrong, you may still be tempted to drink or use drugs again because it is such a typical behavior in your new environment. You need to recognize this type of pressure, which is different from the usual desire to drink or use drugs.
Lack Of Spiritual Support
You may not have the support of a counselor or spiritual leader if you return to a drug- and alcohol-free environment after being in a rehab center. The counselor or therapist who guided you during treatment may have left, and someone else may have taken over that relationship. It can mean not having anyone who can help you avoid going back to using drugs or alcohol.
External Stressors
Many external stressors can lead people back to using drugs and alcohol. Relationships with family members, coworkers, and others can become a significant source of stress for someone trying desperately to stay sober. Work-life can also be a source of stress. It is crucial to get support from others in your life. If you need more help with this, ask your counselor or therapist for suggestions on finding the right kinds of support.
Returning To Old Habits
Some people relapse because they return to habits they practiced before their alcohol and drug rehabilitation programs. For example, if you tried to quit smoking and then started again, you might start drinking again as soon as you are back on your feet. It is essential to realize that addictions and substance abuse problems are all connected. If you start drinking, it is more likely that you will also want to smoke or pick up smoking again. In conclusion, understanding the many reasons people relapse is integral to your recovery.
Knowing what can trigger a relapse can help you avoid it. It can mean knowing how to avoid people and situations that can lead to relapse. It also means knowing that you need the proper aftercare and support during and after treatment. To get help preventing a relapse, call 833-497-3808.