World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that over three million individuals die each year due to the harmful and excessive use of alcohol. Alcohol addiction is a disease that cripples the individual, family, and society. The adverse effects of excessive alcohol consumption are:
- Adverse health effects like liver cirrhosis and cancer
- Family breakups
- Financial constraints
- Mental disorders
The story has changed for alcoholics who have reformed and live an alcohol-free lifestyle. Here are the benefits of quitting alcohol.
Health Benefits
There is no health benefit to moderate or heavy alcohol consumption. Alcohol consumption increases the risks of various diseases and health problems. However, for people suffering from alcoholism, quitting the habit gives them a chance to lead a healthy life. For example, studies show that people who quit drinking can reduce their risk of developing cancer by 50% within three years of quitting. Quitting drinking also reduces the risk of heart disease by up to 50%. Additionally, quitting alcohol reduces the risk of stroke by up to 80% and diabetes by about 33%. Other health benefits of quitting alcohol include:
- Improved immunity
- Reduced chances of developing alcohol-related mental disorders like dementia
- Better looking skin
- Improved liver function
- Improved lung function
- Improved circulation
- Better mental health and well being
- Lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels
- Increased life expectancy
- Reduced risk of injury or death from accidents caused by alcohol intoxication
Healthy Babies and Children
Alcohol can interfere with the development of a baby in the womb, especially during the first three months. Alcohol can also affect a baby’s growth and development once born. The effects of alcohol on a developing baby are permanent. Alcohol exposure in pregnancy has been linked to congenital disabilities, miscarriage, stillbirth, preterm delivery, low birth weight, developmental delay, learning difficulties, and behavioral problems in children. Studies have also shown that children born to alcoholic mothers are more likely to develop alcohol-related problems later in life. For example, they are more likely to develop alcoholism themselves or become drug-dependent adults. Quitting drinking can help women give their children a better start in life.
Healthy Older Adults
Heavy drinking can cause a range of health problems in older adults. These include: Increased risk of falls and fractures due to poor balance and coordination. This is a problem for older women, who are more likely to be heavy drinkers than older men. Higher risk of alcohol-related diseases such as liver cirrhosis, cancer, heart disease, stroke, and accidents caused by alcohol intoxication. Increased mortality from all causes, including suicide, accidents, violence, and homicide. Quitting drinking can help older people enjoy their later years more fully.
Emotional Benefits
The emotional benefits of quitting alcohol are quite obvious. Alcoholics are prone to developing mental disorders like depression and anxiety. Quitting alcohol helps in reducing these disorders and also alleviates their symptoms. A study conducted in 2009 found that people with depression who quit drinking were less depressed than those who continued to drink heavily. Quitting drinking also reduces stress levels in the individual and improves their overall mental health.
Financial Benefits
Quitting alcohol reduces the overall financial burden on the individual. The money saved from not buying alcohol can be used for other important things like medical expenses, shelter, and other necessities. Quitting drinking also helps save money by reducing costs associated with alcohol consumption. For example, a person who drinks and drives might have to pay a hefty fine if caught by the police. Additionally, drunk driving can lead to vehicular accidents that cause serious damage to the person’s vehicle. This damage can be avoided if the individual does not drink and drive in the first place.
Social Benefits
Quitting drinking has social benefits as well. When you quit drinking, you become more responsible towards your family members and friends and towards yourself. You will also become more positive and less irritable than before. These changes in your personality will make others respect you more than they did before you quit drinking.
Quitting drinking also helps in improving your relationships. Your relationship with family and friends will also improve once you quit drinking. You will be a more supportive and caring person, which will make them appreciate you more. Your family and friends will also motivate you in your journey of quitting drinking. There are many benefits of quitting drinking. These include health, finances, relationships with others, and social life. Once a person realizes the benefits of this change in life, it becomes easier to give up alcohol completely. Call us at 833-497-3808.